
I'm baaaaack...

I haven't posted in a while. Life has been a whirlwind. Our main fundraiser at Bol was a success, as always. This year we raised our most impressive fundraising success so far. We also had a very generous donor match our hard work with up to $20,000. The amazing things we can do with all this money!!! I am so excited to start doing work. This year I will spend 7 weeks traveling with CGA, and I am not going to lie, I did not budget well over the winter. After our fundraiser, I got another job and started working 7 days a week and pinching pennies. I'm quite proud of myself for how much I've saved in the last few months. Being gone for 7 weeks straight will be a whole new animal. The bills don't stop, rent still has to be paid, Charlie Brown has to be taken care of.... I've had a lot on my plate, and I know I put it all there myself.

I am very excited about all the students traveling with me this year. There have been some challenges, some frustrations, but I see so much potential in each and every one of them. I have no doubt in my mind that once we are away from our comforts of home and parents and friends, that these students will break out of their shells and shine like diamonds. They will kick ass! Will it be easy? Probably not, but the best things in life never are.

I also cannot wait to go back to some of my favorite places on this planet. It will be my third trip to Cambodia. I get to see so many of the kids again. See how they have grown, matured, yet still get just as excited for our arrival. Even the kids in the village remember us year after year. One of our translators had twins, so I cannot wait to meet her baby boys. Our translators are like our sisters. They are the most amazing women, who have overcome so much to be where they are today. Spending every day learning from them is such an amazing blessing. I feel such a closeness with our friends and helpers in Cambodia. I feel I have known them for much longer than three years. Every trip back is like coming home.

This will be my second trip to Tanzania. Last year we were only able to work at LOAMO school for a few days, and this trip we will be there much more. I am so excited to spend more time with the staff there, who opened their arms and hearts enormously to me in a short two days. I am looking forward to see how our student's will grow helping and teaching in the classrooms. It will be so challenging and they will really have to step up their game. I look forward to settling in to the culture of Tanzania even more, now that it will be just a bit more familiar. The people of Tanzania are so kind, I love the energy and endless smiles.

I also get to embark on an amazing new adventure this year. I get to delve even deeper behind the scenes of what it takes to run this organization and make these amazing trips work. I will be accompanying Lisa Marie to scout for a possible new location for the future of CGA. Visiting orphanages, schools and exploring strange towns with the intent of sharing them with future student volunteers. I am so honored to be able to experience this!!!

People ask me every day if I am excited for my trips, a mere 17 days away. Yes, yes I am excited. I am nervous, I am scared, I am anxious, I am unprepared, I am mentally ready and I know I won't feel at ease until I step on the first plane... Which is a crazy notion if you know me, because I hate flying! 7 weeks away from home, during my favorite time of the year, living in places and ways that are so surreal and beautiful. The good news is, as the dust begins to settle, the writing will start. Stay tuned for more adventures of a lifetime.