
Nepal Part 2

My time in Nepal was full of wonder. There was so much newness: the seamless blend of religions; the survivors of a tragic natural disaster; the ancient, stoic buildings and streets that have seen so much. This country gives off a certain energy. It is hard to explain an energy in a place, but it is a combination of the people, the sights, the smells and an unseen feeling. I did not visit Nepal before the earthquake of April 2015, but I do not believe the energy could have been much different. There is a sense of calm. The people live with the end in mind here. How will they be remembered is at the forefront of their actions.

The students at Lisha school are so eager to learn. They take such pride in every part of their schooling; their uniforms, books, pencils, handwriting... Their homes have been destroyed, but their school and hope stands strong. One day, Karen instructed class 5 to bring flowers in for a science lesson. There was a range of beautiful flowers carefully tucked in bags and boxes. In the back of the classroom sits a small sweet boy named Vibek. I sat next to him and he looked at me shyly. When the teacher asked the students to pull out their flowers, Vibek opened his pencil box and removed a single rose petal. He gently stroked the petal with his finger while eagerly listening to Claire discuss the parts of a flower. In that moment I felt as though my heart was shattering. This sweet boy cared so much about his "homework" and did his absolute best to complete it. He took such pride in his accomplishment, a soft smile beaming on his face as he softly showed me his pale pink petal.

How often to we refuse to attempt something because our fear of not living up to expectations, ours or others? How often to we give up before we even try? We, as Americans, have more resources than the majority of the world, and we also have more excuses. Nepal taught me there is no valid excuse for anything. If you have heart, passion, determination and will, anything is possible. And if you don't then nothing will be possible. Not attempting is the worst of all failures.