
Brunch & Bowl Success!!

I don't know if anyone who reads this blog has ever planned a large fundraiser, but let me tell you.... It's a lot of really hard work!! This year I was lucky enough to get to help Lisa Marie with this year's Brunch & Bowl event. We have been working on the event since the beginning of the year, and it has been all consuming. Every little detail has to be thought of, nothing ever overlooked, from chocolates on a table to table decorations. We were able to collect some amazing silent and live auction items from some great local companies, and after hours and days of hard work, lead by our amazing Captain Lisa Marie, we were able to pull off an amazing event. We raised more than our goal, and we are off and running for our trips!

Speaking of, we are collecting donations of items to bring to Cambodia, Tanzania and Nicaragua! If you have anything on the list you would like to donate, please contact me! We all take an extra suitcase of supplies over to the countries and it is so rewarding to hand out clothes and needed items to the kids. Not to mention it is so rewarding for YOU to see kids in the clothes that you have donated!!!